Friday, December 12, 2008


hello. long time no post. okay, i just found out that animania is nice to watch (I watch when dad is doing overnight) and I have been watching toradora for the last 8 weeks or so and it is hilarious. no, seriously, dont take my word for it, go watch it.its bout these students who generally hang out together. its like romantic comedy with a twist.. I want to watch yes man . you know the movie, yes man ? the one where the guy is taught to say yeas to everything? Sounds like a really funny thing. You can sorta imagine the situations that he'll get caught up in, righgt// okay, so anybody wanna watch with me?? leave a comment or send an sms if youre interested, k?? watched Wall.E yesterday. (On video). I havnt completed watching the video but so far, its so touching. its comforting and yet a little scary to know that in the future 700 years from now, everybody's gonna look like me ( JOKING). :) . on to books . i have purchased the graveyard book and brisingr and have completed reading them. the graveyard books bout a kid who gets adopted by the ghosts in a graveyard. ( the book is NOT horror) . in fact , its touching and really heart warm9ing. about the author... well , who do you think can pull off such literary genius? NEIL GAIMAN, of course! love the dude. on to brisingr. its the 3rd book of the inheritance cycle which should explain how AWESOME it is! its even better than eragon or eldest! and its a good read for people who have not tried the inheritance cycle yet cos its got a synopsis of eragon and eldest. Paolini's a genius ( he's the author).

i am lending out these 2 books starting next year Jan so anyone who wants to borrow these books leave a comment on my blog, kay?? I guess thats it really. Goodbye. ( just leave comments and stuff)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know that your lj is very irritating ?! Can't leave a freaking comment !