Thursday, September 25, 2008


hey hey hey.long time no blog. might as well just do something before my damn studies gotta be resumed....

I stare,I stare
into voidless despair
for what is life
but a sack of strife
i close and
to no avail
for grain by grain,sand
drifts in through veils
a storm of sea and a storm of drought
but worst is calm
when all is still
that is agony,
perfectly instilled
for when
the wren
cries in unsheltered
you know
that hopes a dream
and shallow river
becomes an ocean
even then you shiver
for what was once a river, small and untold
is now an ocean cold
and the deepest reigns
now cannot touch sunlight gold
the mystery,it is a horror
it is not a sight to behold
and angels kiss
could not enleaven this
and deep down inside,
i sense
something has gone


so hows the poem?u can sms me about it or leave a comment.please do.goodbye.( this is not the poem that i used for the literature project). still cant get the soft copy of that one.this is just something i made on the spot.:)


lilmisseccentric said...

YO!! nice poem!! though it sounds a little too complicated. (I cant believe u said it was simple.) Sometimes simple poem can sound nice. Anyway this is your style of writing a poem and I shall not interfere. :D:D:D:D

Sarita:P said...

LOL...Hi!nice poem eventhough,like what ash said-just too complicated for our feeble minds to comprehend(no offence to souls out there)anyway,good luck for your EOYs!!Nice blog btw:)