Thursday, September 4, 2008

i burn,i burn in a cold fire that extinguishes and douses everything else that is to be. i have learnt alot in the past 2 days.things that make me want to scream and sob.sometimes, i do that.i imprison myself in the toilet and scream silent screams. at the same time,i usually sob uncontrollably. it is not correct and i know that. but this is the only way that i can keep myself from going insane. what have i learnt,you may wonder.well, let me begin frm the beginning. i followed my mum to melecca on an educational trip on tuesday. she is a teacher in my primary school and the indian dancers were allowed to go on the trip for winning Gold with Hons twice in a row. so i could come along( because i am my moms son).i had several reasons for going: mainly to escape my dad. i am too emotionaly drained to tell you the rest of the long long story now. later,when i am more composed.

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