Tuesday, October 7, 2008


oh yeah. thats what im feelin now. just.oh.yeah. the exams are over. every single one of those disgusting things has been dealt with.. i went LAN-ning with Andrew just now. was so fun. seriously it is just awesome. anyway am not going to play again there until holiday start again... but thats 3 weeks away so heck. tomorrow is going to be such a wasted day. got to go for this yagam thing with dad and need to open 108 lotus flowers. i have done it before and believe me on this one, it can cause fatigue. he isnt going to work after that so will follow hi m home and waste my life( dont think he will let me use MY laptop). that laptop's 2 years old and if im not wrong, moms still paying for it. cant wait for ganesh to be back. i want to borrow his PSP for the 6 days that hes gonna be away but i dunno how im gonna get it from him. I wish he downloaded GTA. that game is so fun. sure it has nothing when you look at it from a logical point of view... but WHO CARES. hahas. anyway, i can clearly remeber that time I went to go do CIP. was 1 or 2 months ago. Andrew and YuXun were two of the seven( including me ) in my group. then Andrew brought his PSP with GTA in it. I was hooked, so to speak.We were like selling balloons that were twisted and for lunch went plaza Singapura. then YuXun and I took turns playing until the battery run out. that was hilarious. more of this retarded CIP another time. now, i gotta tell you( whoever you are who actually took the time to read this thing) something. im suddenly crashing into primary scl classmate's blogs. first there was Kaili's then Livinyah's( which keeps on hanging whenever I try to post a comment from the computer from my Grandfather's house) and then saw Atiqah's. wow. we didnt know that we had a class blog from p6! anyway, kaili can you pass me the password and username for that blog so I can post stuff in that blog and make it come alive? yah, I know that my blog doesnt even have a skin and a tagboard but in terms of posting, yeah, I can post... and enough about the lack of a tagboard and skin already.Andrew's helping me with that so expect to see a tagboard in a couple of days along with some skinning( that sounded so wrong). hmmm... what else do I have to say.. oh yeah, about that Ritika name, can someone help me get a meaning for it already? trust me, Ive tried and the meanings are so concise.i want something a bit lengthier... thanks for anybody who comments about this. and Kaili, thanks for commenting at my blog. glad you appreciated the poem though it really isnt anything much. so thanks yo.. oh, yeah, if you see Sean, ask him to give me a wring. I forgot his handphone no. alternately, you could just pass it to me. i dont have msn. just leave the number at my commenting area in my blog ill delete that comment once reading.. so thanks again. now Im just wondering whatever happened to Kesavan? the one from endurance ( our batch)? nvm i got this guy from our batch endurance called Bing Zhi and he said he has Kesavan's contact n0. unforunately, i can only get it from him when he repairs his spoilt phone and recovers the contact memory. sad, but I can wait. thats all for now, I think. am not angry about literature because,ah heck i just cant be bothered anymore. I better do well for the SA2 though. will try to get the poem ( yes... got 5/5 for it) posted into my blog. Its 3 typewritten pages long so its gonna take a hell lotta copy and paste to acomplish that but, as I said, soon. got to choose subject combination also... am Going Bio, History,Lit. Woooo!!! anyways chemistry is compulsary in my school and i dont do well in Chemistry. what to do? compulsary what. damn. nevermind. then, my Maths, which sucks badly, has to be A maths. Am from Swiss Cottage secondary 2e2 by the way. I found a nice skin and hopefully I can get it on my blog soon. then that tagboard thing i still dont know because I probably have to ask DaJian. thunderstorm. post next on friday.goodbye

1 comment:

atiqahrahman said...

hullo hari!!! Yeah, I remeber seeing you at the mrt and yes your name is classic!! Hope to see you at another time. :)