Thursday, October 2, 2008


hey. i just realised that i am getting bored... yeah, so much for being slow. i need to talk to one of my friends about something important and no, he is not making things easier by not replying the goddamn phone. sighs. he always calls instead of smsing and i cant entertain calls. cant blame him, though. poor guys not free to sms most of the time. needed to meet him and talk to him about stuff. cant meet him after exams too cos hes going to thirupathi. venketeswara just coudnt choose a better time, could he? nevermind. just ranting, so dont mind me. he ll be back only on the holiday week... so i guess ill just head over to yu xun house play GTA... NEWEST version . oh yeah... and then this other friend, i ask him to go out after a LONg time and he say only one week after exam cos he wants to play computer games... ill have to spend my time doing other things... ill have to catch up on brisingr... you know the third book from the inheritence trilogy? the one that comes after eragon and eldest? i think its going to be pretty good and i cant wait to read ir. oh yeah, theres this comic installment of the complete mahabharatha that my dad managed to get his hands on and i cant wait to finish the third book and stuff. its from amar citra katha but its really good, with three thick books in colour. its not kiddy or anything and it makes for good reading and stuff. its accurate and the english is good, with excellent vocabulary that sort of surprises me. its a good read for hindus and non-hindus. its this epic story thing but it is also a hindu thing but everybody can read it as a sort of storybook. at the same time, they can use it to gain insight o hinduism. for heavier reading, i got this giant three volume hinduism encyclopaedia that talks about all things hindu with awesome professionalism and an unbiased perspective i.e its not saivite,vaishnavite,et.c. cant wait to get started on it. each volume is super-huge and is, like the size of a huge dictionary. unfortunately, i doubt others can get it cos they were selling these beauties at the ramakrishna mission. the price isnt very cheap either, with the full mahabharatha comics at 60 dollars and the hindu encyclopaedias going for about hundred and twenty dollarsl. and, no, i didnt get it. my father did. but they are interesting znd i shall therfore read them. and no, i didnt get them for my birthday either, i would rather get an i-pod, so much for depth of mind. cant wait for the new games that im getting to come. then thered be a raeson for the inventio n of the computer that i would find valid., not that im complaining about technological advances... if i did, that would be the greatyest irony cos, for gods sake, i blog. any way, how do you get a tagboard and get a blogskin into my blog. c ant wait to get Da Jian or somebody to do it for me... and no, i am not complaining about not having a blogskin although it would be annoying. its the tagboard that matters... i need to get soon, like ASAP because most people cant be bothered to leave their comments at the commenting area which brings something to mind... to all those who have left the comments about my poem, thank you so so much. and who is the miss eccentric person? thank you very much for leaving the comments but, quite frankly, who are you?? also, i dunno whether i should write a poem now... oh well, i would like to continue talking, or more correctly, posting but i better go study for the paper 2 and science. before i go, can someone help me out? i heard the name Ritika. its one of my moms students names. its a girl name and i have tried hard to find out the meaning but i simply cannot seem to. so anyone who knows the meaning please tell me through sms or just post it at the comments...( I need that tagboard). and yes, i actually have found the meaning but it is concise and i would like a greater understanding of it... trhanks. oh yeah: background info... the name is of hindu origin. i think its quite popular in north india and i think the language of origin of the name is sanskrit. can anybody help me out please? thanks yo. goodbye

lying still
in greatest instill
of cold sorrow
sometimes bidding for the morrow
and sometimes forever more
in sunny chill
with no thrill
i beseech
in my speech


Sarita:P said...

hi..i have comics and a full drama series of mahabharatha.It is very interesting and i finally understand this complicating epic.i have comics on shiva,karna a hindu encyclopedia?!cool..anw,tell me how it is after u have read it.OH yeah,good luck for maths paper 2 and science.and i think miss eccentric is asyiqin.

Fate said...

Oh man! tell me your secret! the secret of writting such! ..!! POEM! i dunno how to describe is just like!! ... o.o'' actually, due to ur damn pro english.. i dun really quite understand! LOL! i just know that.. it seems quite sad xP