Monday, October 6, 2008


hi. am back. am feeling sorta high.not really. the studying exams are over but still got the stupid art exam...goddamn waste of time... need to prepare some more... aiyoh. then after that am going to YuXuns house tomorrow. there are things i want to get away from so as to just.... survive? like studies and school and grades and stuff. cant wait till Ganesh is back from Thirupathi ( 6 days!) and Daiki has finished playing his computer games ( he plays this grand chase thing so neeed to catch up in terms of level and stuff like that i guess. i can then go out with them. going to go meet up with Ganesh and talk about important stuff and just chill out. dont know where I am going to go with Daiki. he suggesed movie but I dont know what nice movies are going to come out... then there is school and stuff. its getting pissing off to see and know that my grades are going to be horrible. i want to go play CounterStrike with someone who isnt very good at it and I want to have KFC. retarded impulses that I suddenly feel. now im caught in a dilemma. Should i go out with Andrew and play LAN at near my house or go YuXun house play his X-box stuff?? and then now must go and do art preparation. i just dont want to do art preparation today. have to get D&T file if not I get zero for it. I hate D&T. cant for next year because next year dont have all these crap subjects that are wasting my time.. i am VERY ANGRY at something. I am very angry at the Lterature choral reading marks. 22 upon 30. 22!! thats so freaking low. wanted to get at least 25 marks . and i know exactly why . its because of the stupid team members. okay, not all of them are stupid. Min Yi and Wen Liang were really good. the others just make me rage. those idiots. sorry.just had to get it out. i know that you may think that 22 upon 30 is average but thats the problem. Nothing about the poem was average. nothing about that wonderful reflection was average (thank you very much Wen Liang). but these mediocre fools just had to ruin everything. everything that I had such hopes for instantly put to death. they could not even read that poem once. its just four pages long. thats a pathetically small script when you split it among 7 people. bloody.. and they feel no remorse towards it at all. they think that 22 is great! I slogged like a dog for them. Wen Liang worked through the night for them. this is what they give us in return. we wanted to redo it. the two of us could have saved it all.we could have redeemed whatever we lost through putting something up. WOULD IT HURT THOSE USELESS >>>>>> TO JUST STAND I N FRONT OF THE STUPID CLASS AND READ? i feel exploited. I cant stand the sight of them and the mere thought of one of those people makes me bitter. I leave now.goodbye. leave comments

1 comment:

敏仪 said...

you know. 22 out of 30 is not bad already, considering that fact that our choral reading sucked. and its not others' fault that we got 22/30 but the team's fault. all of us has a part to play in this, including you. so instead of blaming others,why not take this as an experience to improve from this choral reading and do better next time.minyi here lah.