Monday, November 3, 2008

hi. am blogging from infocomm. its, like, 9.20 in the morning now. i dont really know what to say... oh yeah. i want to get a chinchilla. saddeningly, i can only get it once my house is air-conditioned and that may take another year so am really annoyed. oh yeah, how come so few people know what a chinchilla is anyway?? is it really that uncommon.? i mean, really. i think they sound like perfect pets for me... they can live for about fifteen years. thats kinda long for something that resembles a blown up hamster isnt it? but they really are cute. just kinda poofy. i want to get a hamster but my mom doesnt like them since she found out they eat their own young. she knows the scienbtific reason but she still says she duislike them. oh and ive got something else to tell you about. theres this creative writing thing that my teacher nominated me for. i have to create this portfolio thingie with 5 to 8 essays and thats going to eat my holidays. but if i manage to get in i manage to got to a 5v day camp in june next year. in NUS. and we getv to stay in NUS dormitories for the whole 5 days. like, wow. okay, anyway, if we manage to get chosen further, we will get a 9 month bondage with a local proffesional writer... THAT IS SO COOL!!! okay, gonna play games now. bye bye.


Anonymous said...

The first thing that pops into my mind when I saw th word chincilla is spider XD I dont think its a spider though , right ?

Janaaaaaa said...

HELLO! Haha i saw your LONG tag on my blog. Hope you're doing fine. And thanks for your wishes! Hoho OLEVELS ARE FINALLY OVER!

Sarita:P said...

WOAH..jana also tag you arh!aren't you overjoyed!!did u know on the day of the tl creative writing,she was dying to meet you..LOL..
ANW,chinchillas looked bloated and scary to me...anw,take care:)